Q: Is Dojo100.com free to join?
A: Absolutely! Our services are made possible by sponsor support.
Q: My site is very small, will you accept me?
A: Yes we accept sites of all sizes. It is a great way for smaller sites to get the exposures they want.
Q: Why is my site not showing up on Dojo100.com?
A: Our list updates every 30 minutes and will only list sites with at least 1 vote per week. If you have votes and you don’t see your site, check back in 30 mins to see the next update. If it is still not showing up, you may have broken one of our rules and was suspended from our database.
Q: Why isn’t my logo showing up on Dojo100.com?
A: Logos are only shown for the top 100 sites on our list. Anything below 100 will be listed as text only. This will help give others an incentive to be on top.
Q: I have more than one site. Will I be able to make multiple accounts?
A: Yes you are allowed 1 account per website.
Q: May I use your vote codes in my mailing list?
A: Yes. As long as it is not unsolicited, you may do so. Just make sure you follow the guidelines in our rules section.
Q: How do I cancel my account?
A: Simply remove the vote links on your site and you will not show up on our list the following week.